Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Training

So we had some of our newer guys covering most of the helpdesk responsibilities one week. They had to ask lots of questions and looked lost most of the time. It was not a total train wreck but it was not pretty. When you have been on a helpdesk long enough you know that you just cant teach it all. We have a general training program that is at its best just a refresher on some networking and system administration.

We put our techs right in the middle of things. Getting right in there and going hands on has been successful for us. They answer the phones, or shadow on tickets, sit down and drive the keyboard in the Server with proper supervision. Our training documentation is about 80 pages of things to learn. If I were to even attempt to try and fill pages and pages with everything we have ever done or will do then this training book would make war and peace look like a Dr. Seuss book.

There are too many possibilities There are too many things that were just magic. They either stopped working just cause or started working because moon beams bounced off moon gas from Mars and hit the monitor and just started working again. So for you to ask me to make a training program that takes everything a helpdesk tech should know is...well....just ridiculous. Thank you for making my brain hurt. Thank you for asking me if the guys who can barely stand the helpdesk could write the training if I was busy.

Many things can be taught in a class. Lots of things are great in principle. But there is no replacement for great on the job training. Putting your hands on the computer and looking for problems. Clicking through Outlook to find why things are not working. And all of this is backed up by having senior tech helping and being shadowed on various things. And then when I try to explain this you will not listen. You know better. Of course you do. People in charge always know everything. I mean you obviously get paid more because your better at it then me.

Friday, August 19, 2011

IT #1

Ok so Im sitting at the main Help Desk and a phone call comes in.

Help Desk How can I help you.

Yes, I am having problems with my screen.

Ok Ma’am, what exactly is the issue.

Well nothing is showing on the screen.

Ok is the blue light on in the bottom right of the screen.


Ok are the cables plugged into the back of the screen.

Yes they are.

Ok now are those cables still plugged into the power and the back of the computer.

Yes they are.

Ok are they pushed all the way in. They can come loose sometimes. So they will look like they are in but its not seated just enough to cause you problems.

No they are good I checked.

Ok Ma’am I will be up shortly to assist you.

So I arrive to her office. Her desk looks like WW3 has happened. Paper is everywhere and nick naks are all over. I approach the screen and press the power button. Nothing happens. I start trying to reach over the disaster zone. Im knocking things over to reach behind and feel for the cables. Well I was not surprised but there it was in my hand. The plug in the back was completely out of the monitor. Well, should I be surprised? No. People are actually that lazy and are actually just bold face liars. So what? Did she think I was not going to notice. None of her things were disturbed and it was a chore to get to the back of the monitor. So wow. Thank you. Because your so lazy or think so highly of yourself that you think its below you to check a cable. You are a truly horrible person. You made the Help Desk go up a few floors and all the way to the other end of the building because you lied. Because you are lazy. I am payed to help but not completely do anything. Thats why you call on the phone to see if we can resolve things quickly or we need to step it up with local service or some server side trouble shooting. Please do not abuse your IT Guys. We are people too. You do paperwork and crunch numbers. Your job can be and will be replaced by a computer in the future. We know how to run and fix those computers. You will be flipping burgers and we will still be successfully employed. Not asking for a lot. Just a little respect. It goes both ways. We did not yell at you or call you names when I fixed that cable. I did not roll my eyes or get smart with you. I provided proper customer support and curtsey. Please extend us some.


Well its pretty much what the title says. I have funny stories. I have stories that would make you wanna pull out your hair(I mean I nearly did). I just wanna share with you and maybe you will laugh or scream at the top of your lungs with me.